In the fast-paced world of cyber threat landscape, standing still means falling behind. At ThreatSTOP, we're committed to constant improvement, always refining our tools to keep your digital assets safe. Our Security Research team works tirelessly to stay ahead of emerging threats, ensuring our defenses evolve as quickly as the risks.

If you've been following our blog, you know that our team has been revamping our protection policies and consolidating threat intelligence targets into improved blocklists. As a continuation of this mission, our team is opening this new week with some additional changes and improvements to our threat intelligence system.

As part of our protection policy overhaul, we're deprecating the following targets:

  1. TS Originated - VOIP H323 - IPs (H323CISE)
  2. Log4J Attackers - Domains (LOG4JDOM)
  3. Log4J Attackers - IPs (LOG4JIP)
  4. TS Originated - PoS - IPs (TSPOSIP)
  5. TS Originated - PoS - Domains (TSPOSDOM)

In addition, we have discontinued the DShield Block List High Sensitivity - Domains (DSBLDOMH) and DShield Block List - Domains (DSBLDOM) targets due to changes in data availability from DShield. However, our comprehensive set of core threat IOCs, available in the Core Threats target bundle, continues to provide robust protection against a wide array of malicious actors and variants, including those previously covered in this target array. This bundle is designed to offer high-quality, up-to-date protection against the most prevalent and dangerous cyber threats.

In regards to ThreatSTOP's DNS over HTTPS (DOH) protections, we have consolidated all DOH-related domain targets into a single target for easier use - DOH Providers - Domains (DOHPRDOM). All IOCs previously provided via the targets Disabling Mozilla DNS over HTTPS - Domains (MOZILDOH) and 
DNS over HTTPS Servers - Domains (DOHSERVE) have been migrated into this target, on top of its existing IOCs.

Continuing to Innovate

At ThreatSTOP, we're not content with the status quo. Our Security, Intelligence, and Research team is always exploring new ways to detect, mitigate, and prevent threats. We're constantly working on enhancements to ensure you stay ahead of potential cyber risks.

As part of this ongoing effort, we regularly review and update our targets and bundles. We're focused on creating more efficient, targeted protections that address the most current and pressing cyber threats. While we've had to retire some older targets, we're simultaneously developing new, more effective ones to take their place.

Join ThreatSTOP

If you're looking to strengthen your digital defenses, we invite you to check ThreatSTOP out. Our proactive solutions can significantly enhance your security posture, protecting your valuable digital assets from cyber threats.

We'd be happy to show you how our network protection solutions can work for your organization. With ThreatSTOP, you can rest assured that your network protection is always current, always evolving, and always working to keep you safe. Schedule a demo with us today!

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