In a recent YouTube interview, Tom Byrnes, CEO of ThreatSTOP, shared his expertise on cybersecurity, drawing from his early career in the US Army Signal Corps and his work on "Task Force 21". This project focused on creating secure, real-time communication networks in tactical environments, laying the groundwork for Tom’s approach to cybersecurity today: securing data flow from the field to decision-makers quickly and effectively.

Tackling Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Advanced Threats

Tom discussed zero-day vulnerabilities—previously unknown flaws that can be exploited by attackers. Instead of just focusing on patching these vulnerabilities, he suggests a strategic approach of targeting the infrastructure and tools attackers use. By understanding and blocking these choke points, businesses can better defend against potential threats.

He also highlighted the growing sophistication of cyber threat actors, particularly nation-states like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, each specializing in different types of cyber attacks. Understanding these adversaries is key to developing effective defenses.

Key Takeaways for Businesses

Tom emphasized the importance of a strong protective DNS, a critical line of defense against threats that start at the DNS level. This is essential for compliance and overall security. He also advised against relying on a single security provider to avoid single points of failure, as demonstrated in recent major security outages. Having a diversified security strategy and a robust disaster recovery plan ensures resilience.

Watch the Full Interview on YouTube

To learn more from Tom Byrnes on tackling modern cybersecurity challenges and protecting your business, check out the full interview on our YouTube channel.

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