For global businesses like TopCashback, staying ahead in a competitive market means navigating not only economic challenges but also complex regulatory environments. With operations spanning multiple countries and a diverse customer base, TopCashback needed a way to ensure compliance with rapidly changing sanctions without sacrificing agility or security. When the geopolitical landscape shifted and new sanctions were imposed, particularly in regions like Crimea, the company sought an expert partner to help manage this delicate balance. That’s when they turned to ThreatSTOP.

The Challenge: Navigating a Complex Sanctions Landscape

TopCashback, a global player in the cashback industry with a presence in countries such as the UK, US, Germany, China, Australia, and more, encountered a critical challenge. They needed to comply with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions, which prohibited business with certain regions—like Crimea—while still supporting their partners and customers in other parts of Ukraine. The rapidly changing sanctions landscape made manual compliance efforts cumbersome and prone to errors.

The Solution: Why TopCashback Chose ThreatSTOP

While searching for a solution, TopCashback discovered ThreatSTOP’s comprehensive cybersecurity services. ThreatSTOP’s expertise in creating and managing advanced threat intelligence made it the ideal choice for businesses seeking proactive protection and compliance. TopCashback chose ThreatSTOP over other solutions because of its:

Comprehensive Compliance: ThreatSTOP provides automatic blocking of sanctioned countries, entities, and subsidiaries. This feature enabled TopCashback to meet OFAC compliance effortlessly.
Continuous Updates: In the ever-evolving world of international sanctions, staying up-to-date is crucial. ThreatSTOP’s service ensures continuous monitoring and policy updates to reflect the latest changes, offering peace of mind to businesses.
Fast, Simple Deployment: ThreatSTOP’s Enhanced OFAC WAF rules integrated seamlessly with TopCashback’s AWS Web App Firewall (WAF). This ease of deployment ensured a smooth transition without disruption to ongoing operations.

The Results: Effective Protection and Peace of Mind

By integrating ThreatSTOP’s advanced WAF rules with their AWS infrastructure, TopCashback achieved a reliable and scalable solution that greatly simplified their compliance efforts. The CIO of TopCashback, Andy Bayes, highlighted how ThreatSTOP’s proactive approach to cybersecurity provided effective protection without the need for complex in-house solutions. The benefits of using ThreatSTOP included:

Ease of Integration: The simplicity of integrating ThreatSTOP with existing systems, such as AWS WAF, meant TopCashback could quickly implement the solution with minimal downtime or complexity.
Scalable and Automated: Instead of relying on manual processes, which would require constant maintenance and monitoring, TopCashback now has a scalable, automated solution that provides robust protection and compliance.
Superior Support and Expertise: TopCashback was impressed with ThreatSTOP’s commitment to customer support, knowledge sharing, and willingness to work closely throughout the demo, trial, and implementation phases.

Why ThreatSTOP Stands Out

At ThreatSTOP, we pride ourselves on delivering proactive protections crafted by our Security, Intelligence, and Research team. Our solutions are designed to combat a wide range of cyber threats, from command and control, peer-to-peer communication, and data exfiltration to phishing, SPAM, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) activity. For TopCashback, this expertise translated into effective threat mitigation, compliance confidence, and operational peace of mind.

Learn More: Dive deeper into TopCashback’s journey to seamless compliance and enhanced cybersecurity with ThreatSTOP. Download the full case study here to explore how our proactive protections made a difference.

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