<span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text" ><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Live Interactive Webinar: Blocking &amp; Tackling Cyberthreats Using DNS RPZ</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>January 17th, 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern</strong></p> <!--more--><strong style="color: #545454; font-size: 12.1612px; background-color: transparent;">Why Attend?</strong> <div> <p>It's a can't miss live, interactive webinar with ThreatSTOP's CEO Tom Byrnes and Farsight Security's CEO, Dr. Paul Vixie. (Also the&nbsp;<span>co-creator of DNS RPZ)</span></p> <p>We'll give a unique, insightful overview of DNS Firewalls using RPZ and answer these FAQs:</p> <p>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How can DNS RPZ protect organizations from current&nbsp;cyberthreats?<br>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What's the best way to import different sources of data into RPZ?<br>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What are the effects on my DNS server using RPZ?<br>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What are the most common use cases for DNS RPZ?<br>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What's the biggest misconception regarding DNS RPZ?<br>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is it important to run your own recursive name server?<br><br>Tom and Paul will also take attendee questions and&nbsp;give you resources and recommendations to learn more afterwards. Get registered below.</p> <p><strong style="background-color: transparent;">About the Speakers</strong></p> <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em>Dr. Paul Vixie:&nbsp;Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Farsight Security</em></span></p> <p><span>Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2014, Dr. Vixie designed, implemented and deployed several DNS protocol&nbsp;extensions and applications that are used throughout the Internet&nbsp;today. Prior to Farsight, he served as President, Chairman, and Founder of Internet Systems Consortium (ISC), as President of&nbsp; MAPS, PAIX, and MIBH, and as CTO of Abovenet/MFN. He served on the&nbsp;</span><span>ARIN Board of Trustees from 2005 to 2013, and as Chairman in 2008&nbsp;and 2009. Dr. Vixie is a founding member of ICANN Root Server System&nbsp;Advisory Committee (RSSAC) and ICANN Security and Stability&nbsp;Advisory Committee (SSAC).</span></p> <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><span style="background-color: transparent;">Tom Byrnes: Founder and CEO of ThreatSTOP</span></em></span></p> <p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><span>Tom Byrnes is a&nbsp;long-standing member of the global cybersecurity community,&nbsp;serving in the U.S. Army for 13 years and ultimately joining the&nbsp;seminal tactical networking group. In the private sector, Tom's&nbsp;work started with designing large-scale global networks, providing&nbsp;technical advice and leadership for a number of successful&nbsp;startups that all resulted in successful acquisitions. Tom holds&nbsp;two patents in network security using DNS, and is credited as the&nbsp;inventor on two additional patent applications. An active member&nbsp;of the IEEE, ISSA and Infragard, Byrnes speaks regularly at&nbsp;conferences on the topic of security.</span></span></p> </div></span>