ThreatSTOP Blog

Tracking The Cyber-Geography In The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Written by ThreatSTOP Security Team | February 19, 2023

Russia's invasion of Ukraine changed the world. The war started with cyberattacks, and the resulting sanctions have made it imperative that organizations of all sizes manage who they connect to, and who connects to them. Watch this video as Paul talks a little more about the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and how ThreatSTOP is staying one step ahead.



The result of using ThreatSTOP is everyone needs proactive network security filtering who they are connecting with inbound and outbound. 

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Video Transcript


0:00 Intro
0:05 ThreatSTOP Technology For Ukraine
1:22 Geo-Blocking
1:59 Changing Geography
2:28 Russian Entities And Subsidiaries
0:05 ThreatSTOP Technology For Ukraine

So what about ThreatSTOP technology, specifically with regard to the Ukraine conflict? Well, first of all, we have Geo-blocking and domain space blocking so that we know who the Russian entities are, and we also know where in the Ukraine is under Russian control or not. 

You might say, well, why does that matter? Well, remember that traffic that the Russians were backhauling through their own infrastructure so that they could inject men-in-the-middle attacks. We can detect traffic that supposedly comes from the Ukraine but has passed through Russia, and if you'd like, we'll block that.

Why do you want to do that? Well, first of all, to keep yourself secure. Secondly, because your government may have sanctions like ITAR that are out there and you're risking your business from a helpful inquiry from your government about why aren't you following the rules about sanctioning these Russian entities. So there's a sort of collateral business risk and then there's just an attack, that's another thing you have to worry about.

1:22 Geo-Blocking

So Geo-blocking is the crucial first step here. You can decide and here you see them in red the 

countries that you probably don't want to be talking to. OFAC and ITAR are sanctions to say you're not supposed to be doing business with entities in these places, and what you can do is you can at least say, hey, I tried to follow the rules and indeed you are. You’re going to be making a good effort to follow the rules that your government has put in place and avoid a lot of attacks. 

1:59 Changing Geography

The geography is constantly changing here. The good news is that there's more Ukraine today than there was last week, but there's still a lot of this that's under Russian control. Our real-time updates will keep you informed about who owns what and keep you talking to the right guys as opposed to the wrong guys. 

2:28 Russian Entities And Subsidiaries

There's instant detection and response that give you non-stop security and compliance. This slide shows things that aren't Russia but are also sanctioned and it may be that what you do is you have a particular entity, not a whole country.

So being able to do this at both DNS and the IP level gives you the best chance of security and also compliance.