ThreatSTOP Blog

Can DNS Security Block Phishing?

Written by ThreatSTOP Security Team | May 31, 2023

Phishing is a serious threat faced by all businesses and individuals. It may seem as though there is no way to stop phishing scams, but DNS security can help. Watch the video below as we explain how ThreatSTOP uses protective DNS for blocking phishing and other cybersecurity issues.



What Are Phishing Attacks?

Most users are aware of phishing. It is a type of cyberattack that involves tricking users into giving their information to bad actors on the internet. This can be done through malicious websites that are masquerading as legitimate entities. It can also be done through fraudulent emails or text messages. Information gained can be usernames and passwords, credit card details, social security numbers or banking information.

How Can DNS Security Prevent Phishing?

Protective DNS uses a filtering technique to determine if a website is malicious. A database of known, malicious websites is kept on the DNS server. If a user attempts to click on one of these websites, access is prevented. An excellent security system, like those offered through ThreatSTOP, regularly updates so that the database has access to the latest threats.

The Limitations of DNS

Some phishing attacks come in the form of emails, text messages or even phone calls that ask users to provide sensitive data. Your users must be made aware of the possibility of falling prey to one of these attempts. This is particularly true if a bad actor asks for a text or phone call that cannot be overseen by security software. This is why adopting DNS protection should be part of an overall strategy that includes education about internet safety. Security blocks offer an important safety net, but awareness of phishing is needed as well.

As phishing attempts become more and more advanced, It is not enough to rely on a user’s ability to detect fraudulent activity on their own. A protective DNS service must be put into place. Call ThreatSTOP today to how we can protect you from these cyberattacks.


Learn More:

What DNS Security Does A Typical Enterprise Need?

DNS Defense Cloud 

DNS Defense 


Video Transcript
0:00 Intro
0:26 Can You Block Phishing?
0:59 Blocking Phishing Attacks

DNS filtering is effective against phishing attacks in a number of different ways. One of the things that happens is that people will present you with a web link that's just slightly different; maybe an O is replaced with a zero or whatever, and you think you're going to someplace that's healthy. 

0:26 Can You Block Phishing?
You think you're going to Microsoft, but actually, the O in Soft is a zero, and you're going to a completely different website. DNS never sleeps. It never says, oh well, it looks like Microsoft. It'll notice that, and if the right filtering rules are in place, it will prevent you from doing that, first of all. Other phishing attacks want to take you to places that are known bad websites. So if all of a sudden you're wondering why am I going to a website in North Korea, that can be blocked. 

0:59 Blocking Phishing Attacks
DNS filtering help block phishing attacks on a number of different dimensions by helping you recognize these links that look okay but aren't, and sometimes they use it with foreign character sets so that there could be a Cyrillic letter in the middle of your domain name. It'll keep you from falling for those. It'll keep you from going to known bad actors. 

It'll keep you from going to places already blocked many times by however many threat feed sources.