ThreatSTOP Blog

SC Magazine: ThreatSTOP CEO Talks IoT Security for Healthcare Industry

Written by threatstopbme | September 22, 2016

ThreatSTOP CEO and Founder Tom Byrnes recently spoke with SC Magazine about the inherent security risks of IoT devices in the healthcare industry.

According to the article, “another huge area for IoT attacks is the health care vertical. In the same way that operations and facility departments are not in the habit of having light bulbs and door locks approved by IT, their hospital counterparts are not used to getting standard medical systems, such as X-ray and ultrasound machines, approved by IT, either.”

Healthcare facilities are under attack because they enable hackers to access very valuable personal healthcare information such as Social Security numbers, medical records and dates of birth. A medical record can fetch as much as $363 on the black market.

Click here to read the SC Magazine article.

The ThreatSTOP report on security for the healthcare industry is available here.