On the Kaspersky SecureList blog there's an interesting post about recent developments for the SpyEye malware. The blogger explains how SpyEye supports a nice plugin architecture and how he examined an interesting new plugin that downloads a flash plugin for certain banking sites which can then switch on the victim's webcam and stream the data back to the crooks.
So while this is clever, what has it got to do with ThreatSTOP or with the title of this post - the cyber crime in Ukraine? Well the answer is fairly simple. It seems that the malicious flash plugin is downloaded from the "statistiktop.com" domain which currently resolves to and previously resolved to, both of which are IP addresses owned by a Ukrainian hosting provider. While said hosting provider is not the worst in our list its 512 IP addresses do contain a number of recent hits and the entire range has been blocked by us via the "Russian Business Network" feed for at least a year.
In practical terms this means that anyone who uses ThreatSTOP would not have been infected by this malicious plugin (and of course it is likely that any call home from it would have been blocked by our SpyEye feed) but while that's clearly a good thing, it isn't the thrust of this post.
The point of this post is that, while the attack vectors get smarter using, for example, flash plugins to control a webcam, and they use endless multitudes of domain names as part of their business, the criminals keep on using the same limited numbers of "safe houses" and "fences" - or rather their cyber equivalent, bullet proof hosting companies and compromised servers - to transmit their malware and get the data back.
Many of the places the cyber criminals reuse a lot are in Eastern Europe. If you take a look at the current threat status part of our home page you'll see that Ukraine is the 'Worst Large Country' with about 6% of the 12 million or so IP addresses assigned to it being on our lists. This is not a once time thing. The percentage of bad ip addresses has gradually crept up but Ukraine has been our "worst large country" during the entire time we have run this particular report. Apart from a brief period where the Penguins of Antarctica were our worst small country, that "honor" has almost always gone to one of Haiti, Latvia or the Seychelles. Interestingly Latvia, while still bad, only has 5.9% of its 1.6 million IP addresses on our lists which is a significant improvement and now better than Ukraine.
Fundamentally though, if you don't do business with countries like Ukraine, you can protect yourself from a lot of malware by simply blocking traffic to/from those countries at the firewall. We created our "Eastern Europe" list precisely because we recognized that this was a useful thing to do. And really when more than 1 in 20 of the IP addresses in a country are suspicious it just makes sense to err on the side of caution.