ThreatSTOP wants to celebrate a nation's successful revolt against overseas oppression by helping Internet users free themselves from external oppressors - the bot herders. Just like the British 200 plus years ago the bot herders take your property - in this case CPU cycles, network bandwidth and sensitive data - without your consent. And just as the citizens of the 13 colonies banded together to successfully fight against their oppressors; Internet users can band together to fight the cybertyrants using ThreatSTOP. In celebration of the 4th of July, we are offering a 10% discount for all services paid for from July 6th until July 12th. Just sign up at and use the coupon code "FREEDOM".
ThreatSTOP is a way to let your firewalls become the minutemen who will fight against this oppression. ThreatSTOP brings thousands of sensors across the Internet together to perform the cyber equivalent of "One if by land, two if by sea". Thanks to the efforts of thousands of volunteers and users, we are able to identify the IP addresses of: the worst current attackers and sources of malware; and the C&C (command and control) servers of major botnets; so our subscribers can block computers on their networks from communicating with these servers.
By blocking currently bad IP addresses we provide the most cost effective way to prevent the loss of sensitive data. By making you invisible to the attackers we also protect against the most destructive and resource sapping inbound attacks. Not only do we stop it, we also log the data so you can fix the problem.
Our dynamic ThreatList auto-updates every couple of hours. Someone on our list of attackers will typically attack your network every 5-10 minutes.
Using DNS, the ThreatList feeds directly into your existing firewall devices - no need for forklift upgrades or deploying new hardware or software. The service is configured by a web interface and your standard network administration tools and takes no more than an hour to implement.
From July 6th until July 12th you can sign up at the ThreatSTOP website and get a 10% discount on whatever subscription you choose, monthly semi-annual or annual. That means that instead of paying $199.95 a month for a class A firewall you'll pay just $179.95 per month for this month.
Even greater savings if you sign up for longer periods. We already give you 2 free months if you sign up for a year - now we're giving you 10% discount on top. That's a $200 saving so you pay just $1799.50 instead of $1999.50!
Enter the discount code FREEDOM when you sign up
This offer also applies to upgrades and extensions for existing subscribers.